P.S. MAGAZINE (not the P.S. Magazine published by the U.S. Army for preventive maintenance, and produced by Will Eisner), was a short-lived magazine of nostalgia from the mid-1960s. With an editor like Ed Ferman and associate editor Gahan Wilson you'd think they couldn't miss. But I think they were a little early for the nostalgia bandwagon, which really didn't start rolling until a few years later. Their magazine had poor art direction, was fairly unattractive, with pages of cold gray type and few illustrations. No color, either. Even PLAYBOY had color--and nude girls!--for 60¢. But the P.S. articles were great, and this article by Carlton Brown from P.S. #3, August 1966, about the Johnson Smith Novelty Catalog, is one of my favorites.
Oh yeah...one other thing. I see the motto ring, circa 1928, uses the slogan, "If you can read this you are too darn close," which has been familiar on bumper stickers for many years, but was obviously far from original for tailgating motorists.
Copyright © 1966 Mercury Press, Inc.

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